Selasa, 29 Desember 2020

Suitable media for the online learning process

    Distance / online learning demands creative and innovative teachers in delivering learning materials. This is mainly done so that students are able to understand the material and do not get bored with the methods used.

    Not only methods, the learning media used must also be varied. Most teachers now use the Zoom, Google Meet, Edmodo, and Google Classroom applications which have been integrated with google forms in providing teaching. 

    In my opinion there are several other learning media that can be used by teachers in learning. Here are three alternative distance learning media that I recommend that the teacher can choose.

- Quizizz

Quizizz is an e-learning-based learning media that can be used by teachers in evaluating learning and providing stimulus to students with quizzes. Even though it contains questions, this application does not bore students because of its interactive appearance. The types of quizzes given are in the form of multiple choices, check boxes and fill in the blanks. Quiz features range from live games or realtime to home work or work with a certain collection limit. The steps for using this application for teachers are as follows. First, log in with a google account via the browser, then select a teacher, then complete your personal data. If so, you will go to the home page, you can create a quiz by clicking create quiz. You can enter the questions and arrange the arrangements for students. Finally, distribute the quiz code to students to work on.

- Kahoot

Kahoot is a learning medium that is not much different from Quizizz, this application is also based on interactive games. The steps for using this learning media are, log in with a google account via the browser, if you don't have an account you have to register first by clicking Sign Up. Second, select Create Kahoot to start making a quiz, there are two options that you can choose, namely the multiple choice quiz and true false questions. If so you can set the form of the quiz, individually or in groups. Share the pin or game code and students can start working on the quiz. The difference from quizizz, in kahoot the teacher can control the course of the quiz.


Analysis of Online Learning Process during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The learning process is an activity interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. In the learning process involves activities learning and teaching that can determine student success as well as to achieve goals education. Learning is a change in behavior that occurs in individuals previously could not be able or proficient.

    Generally, teaching and learning activities are carried out in schools through teacher guidance. A teacher is someone whose job is to produce quality human resources who can compete at the international level.

    Teachers as the forefront of education have the duty to teach, educate, provide direction and guidance, train, provide assessment and evaluation to provide moral and mental support to students. The teaching and learning process carried out by teachers and students is usually carried out at school or through direct interaction without any intermediary media. However, in the last few months the teacher's duties mentioned earlier have changed in the learning process, this has happened because of an epidemic that has attacked the whole world, including Indonesia.

    Due to this pandemic, schools have been closed, this is done with the aim of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Even though the school is closed, the teaching and learning activities or the learning process does not stop, based on a circular from the minister of education and culture that all learning activities are carried out using an online learning system at home. Online learning is a learning that is carried out over a distance through media in the form of the internet and other supporting tools such as cell phones and computers. Online learning is very different from learning as usual. The concept of online learning has the same concept as e-learning.

    During online learning, many parents complained about some of the problems faced by students studying at home, including too many assignments and teachers who had not optimized technology. Besides the many complaints parents have about online learning, it turns out that learning also has several advantages. As for some of the advantages of online learning, such as : 

    - There is flexibility in the time and place of study, for example learning can be done in the room, living room and so on and the time is adjusted for example morning, afternoon, evening or night

    - Can overcome problems regarding distance, for example students do not have to go to school first to study. 

    - There are no restrictions and can cover large areas.

    - Build a new learning atmosphere for students, who usually learn in class. This new atmosphere can foster the enthusiasm of students in learning.

Apart from the advantages of online learning, online learning also has its drawbacks.
is As for some of the shortcomings that occurred inonline learning, such as :

    - It is difficult for children to focus on learning because the home atmosphere is not conducive.

   - Limited internet quota or internet or wifi package that connects online learning as well interference from several other things.

    -Lack of interaction between teachers and students and even between students                               themselves.

    -The lack of interaction can slow down the formation of values ​​in the teaching and learning     process.

Senin, 28 Desember 2020

Distance Education System (PJJ) during the Covid-19 Pandemic


    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the fabric of life for people around the world, including in Indonesia. Since the Coronavirus outbreak hit Indonesia, the government has enforced various strict regulations to prevent further spread. One of the policies for education is distance learning. This distance learning is a policy issued by the government, especially the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools and campuses.

    I have interviewed my young brother who was still in junior high school and he thought distance learning was uncomfortable, he could not fully understand the material, he could not ask the teacher as usual, and he had more assignments than before when he was in school. Another obstacle is that when he starts trying to do a task on his cellphone, there is always the temptation to open games or other social media. According to his statement, the media used during PJJ were: Google Calssroom, Quipper, and WhatsApp. He also conveyed some of the advantages of distance learning, namely that he can do assignments while eating or postpone it and then do it at another time. but still according to him he prefers studying at school than studying at home.

He hopes that he can go to school as usual so he can meet his friends and teachers directly.